Page name: Outside Torture Manor [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-10-07 18:52:58
Last author: Rook.
Owner: Eyonic
# of watchers: 2
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You stand outside the manor, a magnificent looking mansion that is surrounded be a forest. There is a creek that runs here, small and quiet, and a large fence surrounding the property. Around the back of the manor, there is the dragon corrals. The grounds are always guarded buy wolf-hounds and two guards per each patrol. Enter our gates at your own risk, as they are always open...

Pup ran out the front doors and plopped herself onto the elegant stairway that led to the manor and waited for Poe to come out.

Poe walked out and climbed onto her dragon, offering a hand down to Pup. "Come on, let's go. Cykes is waiting."

Pup takes the offered hand and tries to sit on the dragon's back, but finds it rather uncomfortable. "I've never bothered riding my dragon before, so if I get air-sick, don't blame me...."

After a half an hour of riding, Poe and Pup touched down. Poe hopped off and looked for her friend. "Hey!!! COme out come out where ever you are!!"

Nearly falling off and sitting on the ground hard, pup groaned and clutched her stomach. "Note to self; don't ride a dragon after eating..."

Poe hands Pup a water-bottle. "Here, this should help a bit." As she looks around, she clenches her fists tightly at her sides. "I swear I'll rip his eyes out, then put them back in if he doesn't show...." Poe sighed and sits under a tree, then jumps up when she touches something soft. "I see he left us a gift."

Taking the watter bottle, Pup took a long drink and handed it back. Curiosity got to her and she looked over at Poe. "What did you find over there?"

Poe touched the thing with her foot. "I don't know, exactly. It feel soft enough to be a human, but as I said, I'm not sure."

*watches both of them examining the "gift" then grins and whispers to himself* "wait till you see what it actually is..."

Poe hears a a fain whisper and whips out the chain borrowed from Pup. It wraps around something akin to an arm. "Pup, see what it is...we have another visitor."

Pup walks over to the arm and gave it a yank, bringing the person into full sight. "Well well well, who is this?"

Poe disentangles the chain. " I think it's Cykes, but the light is to dark." Poe whistles over to her dragon. "Lets load this human body, which i think is your new toy Pup, onto Mazorn here, then walk back. Tis only a mile or so if we take the Dark Ways."

"hahahahaha, okay!" Pup grabbed her new toy with tender care and slung him over her shoulder. She lifted him up onto the dragon and looked over at Poe and Cykes. "Is, uh, Cykes coming?"

Poe watched Cykes disapear into the coming darkness. "Oh, he'll be back later. Let's head back to my room. Then have some fun!!" Looks around and watches the lone figure of Cykes disapear completely. "Ok, he's gone, for now. He'll meet us at the mansion later."

"Alrighty then, let's go." Pup started jogging back to the mansion, anxious to play with her new toy.
Back in Poe's Room Poe turned on the lights and started pacing while Pup taunted her new toy.

*Leaps from one of the walls, looking like a giant bat in the night, lands perfectly on the ground* "here I am again..., althoug not for very long..., shall I accompany you two to the manor?"

Poe hears Cykes and answers. "We are already there. We are in my room. Hurry up before you miss the beginging of Pup's torture round!!"

*looks excited* oh..., is it good???

"Well, hurry up and get in here!!!" Poe opens a portal to her room for him. Poe's Room

*Cykes walks in casually, as if used to this, though he keeps a sharp eye on everything*

*Sai walked out of the forest and looked at the manor from the shadows of the trees. He narrowed his eyes slightly and silently studied the grounds.*

Cykes sat in one of the trees, wondering where poe had been since she left weeks ago when he noticed someone setting foot on the grounds of the mansion "well well..." he whispered to himself "looks like we have a visitor..." he said to himself, uninterested, he looked back at his work, a piece of wood that began to resemble poe and continued his work, cutting more details into the wood, he softly hummed a tune to himself while working, stretching his legs across the branch he sat on.

Sai's ears twitched and he sniffed the air. His nostrils flared when he caught the scent of Cykes and Sai growled quietly. He walked softly over to where the tree that Cykes sat in and looked up. His ears twitched again when he heard the humming.

Cykes looked down at Sai for a moment, and then went back to his woodwork, making the edges smoother by rubbing them with sanded paper, once it was finished, he put it inside the tree, which was hollow, he then wrapped his cloack around himself, and sighed, looking at nothing in particular.

Sai jumped lightly onto the branch next to Cykes and growled slightly. "Who are you and what is this place?"

Cykes swung down the tree and beckoned Sai to follow him "walk with me..."

Sai tilted his head and leaped down from the tree to walk beside him. "Any reason for walking with you?"

Cykes looked at him "you want to talk to me, right? than you'll have to walk along..., and it's a test as well..."

"A test?" Sai frowned. "Why am I being tested? And I never said I wanted a conversation. I simply want to know who you are and what this place is."

Cykes grinned "a test indeed..., if you noticed or not, I just made you follow me..., which means I can manipulate you into doing things you don't intend to do..." he walked deeper into the forest "and asking me something is the same as talking to me, it's the meaning of the conversation that changes" his grin faded and he turned to Sai "now..., let's stop here and talk..., you wanted to know who I was and what place this is? I'm Cykes, and this is Torture Manor, what is your business here?"

"Torture Manor....? I am a traveler and that is all you need to know about me." Sai frowned while thinking about what Cykes said.

Cykes sat down on a treestump "yes, and if you were a traveler, you wouldn't have gotten past the shields that have been set up, and even if you did, you wouldn't have gotten past the wood..., so I doubt you're just a traveler"

Sai shrugged and looked around. "Shields and woods aren't an obstacle for travelors like me..."

cykes smiled and snapped his fingers "told you you weren't an ordinary traveler"

Poe saw who the two were, and drew back with suprise. "well, its Cykes. Not suprising. But who is the other...?" She climbed to a branch closert to the outside of the tree. She looked down at the two, apathetic adn stoic.

Sai sniffed the air again and looked up to see Poe. "Well, I see someone else noticed me as well. How annoying." Sighing, he jumped up into a different tree and went back into the forest.

Poe jumped down and slowly hovered. Due to the fact her wings weren't strong enough, they gave out and she crashed to the ground. She landed on her knees. She winced and stood up, brushing off her clothes and looked over at Cykes, then in the direction the person had gone. "May I ask who that was, Cykes? Or would you prefer not to disclose the identity of your guest?" Poe hid her wings behind her back, her blue eyes glinting like steel in the moonlight. I wonder where Pup is.. I miss her and Anya... She thought to herself.

Cykes grinned to himself "oh, 'just' a traveller" he replied as he was watching the direction Sai went

Poe watched too, curious. She glanced at Cykes, then took a step towards the tree she just fell from. She tried jumping up and flapping her wings, but failed. She tried again, but harvested the same results. "Damn it." She muttered under her breath. She walked up to teh tree and dug her long fingernails into it high above her head. She did the same with her other hand and pulled herself up to the lowest branch six feet off the ground.

cykes took a last glance and then drew his sword, he drove the blade deep into the tree next to him and hopped on the blade, he then leaned back against the tree "where've you been?" he asked poe

Poe shrugged and ran off and jumped off the edge of the limb, twisting backwards twice and at the last minute snapping her wings open, beating the air franticly. Again, her wings collapsed and she dropped to the ground, landing on her stomach. She sighed pusehd herself up. She walked back to the tree and did the same thing as before. But before she pulled herself all of the way up, she looked at Cykes.
"I don't know. I'm assuming I was in a deep hibernation for almost.." Poe did quick calculations in her head. "Almost seven months. And..." she grunted and just dropped to the ground, giving up. She sighed. "and, I grew eings, which are throwing me and my balance off." She knelt close to the tree Cykes was perched on and looked up at him. "Where have you been?"

"here and there, outside the borders of this manor, and soon I'm off again..., probably permanently, I got an invitation to join a private mercenary team, I'm thinking about taking them up on it" cykes closed his eyes

Poe jumped up, shocked. "But... what...when...wh...I..?" She couldn't speak. She bit her lip adn lowered her head, nodding. "I understand. You must do what you must do. But Pup, Anya, and Bishop believe you fit in here, with us." Poe looked towards the mansion, then towards teh forest. I fell that to, but how do I tell him without making it sound like I'm beggin him to stay? She fought with these thoughts, her eyes shifting quickly around. She fingered her sword and drew it our, runnign a finger down its sharp edge, not noticing the mark on her finger. She took out a honing stone and knelt again, sharpening her blade.

cykes sighed "well, my reason to stay here has disappeared, so I don't see why I should stay here, perhaps I'll come back one day, but who knows?"

Poe nodded, not concentrating on anything. "You're room shall always be open, adn we will always welcome you with wide arms and joyous hearts, Cykes. Remember that." she stood up and looked at him. "But you will stay at least untill Friday...? Or must you leave now?" She fingered something at the back of her belt.

"I haven't planned the journey yet, so I'll probably be leaving after the weekend, depends on whether I can get my things ready before then" cykes replied

Again, Poe nodded. "Let me know if you need help." She held out her hand, palm up. A circular disk shone out in the moonlight. "We forgot to give this to you when you joined our mansion. Once a Blood Brother, "She stepped forward and leaped lighty infront of him on the balde, he wings extended to keep her balance. She fastened the pendant on his neck and let it hang down. "Always a Blood Brother." She smiled softly and took a step backwards. then grinned impishly as she vaulted backwards off of the sword.

cykes held up the pendant and smiled "thanks..., but for you to carry it all this time and handing it to me after you've just returned seems rather... unbelievable...?"

"Well, I can't let you leave without saying goodbye to all of us. So, we're saying goodbye to you." She smiled. "And we did honestly forget. You're leaving just brought it to my memory."

ït's not what I meant, but still, thanks..." cykes jumped down from the blade and sheathed it "I'm off to my room to make some preparations..." he drew a short dagger and made a slashing movement through the air, on the line where the tip of the blade cut through the air, black smoke appeared "see you there?" and cykes stepped into the smoke and vanished with it, reappearing in his room

Poe nodded and stepped in behind him.

cykes stood outside the gates of torture manor and looked back "well, I've had a good time here, let's see what my next post will bring me"

Poe ran to the blood forest with a silver dagger in hand. She didn't notice anything. The moonlight flashed on the dagger and she stumbled and fell, grazing her arm. She looked at the gates, then back to the forest.
"Good lucky, my friend." She whispered when she saw a shadow there. "You'll have more luck than I."

cykes slashed a dagger through the air and stepped through the portal he created, he then vanished, leaving the manor behind.

Poe smiled and held the dagger to her wrist and pricked it. Good... still sharp. she thought. She stepped into the blood forest.

to room of torture
to torture rp
Back to Torturing Pain

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2008-01-01 [Rook.]: okies...i'll do that^^

2008-01-02 [Sir Riddle]: I appear to be a bunny...^^^

2008-01-02 [Rook.]: well, i like bunnies^^

2008-01-02 [Sir Riddle]: there's one horrible home video on the wiki too..., me hummping a balloon...(the bunny me...)^^^

2008-01-02 [Rook.]: ^^ i saw that ^^ twas very cute

2008-01-02 [Sir Riddle]: I can explain! I was drunk, and the balloon was staring at me the whole time!!! I swear, I didn't mean to cheat!!^^^

2008-01-03 [Rook.]: *mockingly pouts in a corner not to far away* think you left me for a balloon...... its

2008-01-03 [Sir Riddle]: *hugs*^^^ leaving you for a balloon!!?? any time!!^^^ (not...)

2008-01-03 [Rook.]: *gasps* O_O WHAT?!?!!!!!!!!!!? *looks hurt* but...but...<img:stuff/cr-gif.gif> *sniffs* i thought that we.....*turns away so you don't see the fact that i'm trying to hide my laughter*

2008-01-03 [Sir Riddle]: but balloons go boom...

2008-01-03 [Rook.]: *shakes with laughter*

2008-01-03 [Sir Riddle]: you're not crying, are you...¬¬


2008-01-03 [Rook.]: *shakes her head and turns around, still laughing* no

2008-01-03 [Sir Riddle]: *fluffles your hair* meanie^^^

2008-01-03 [Rook.]: *grins and hugs you, shaking my hair back into place* you don't mean that ^^

2008-01-03 [Sir Riddle]: indeed I don't^^^ *fluffles your hair back out of place*

2008-01-03 [Rook.]: *smiles and shakes my hair back into place again, laughing* ^^

2008-01-03 [Sir Riddle]: *fluffles hair out of shape more*^^^ I like this game^^^

2008-01-03 [Rook.]: *shakes it back into shape* there^^ i like this game to^^

2008-01-03 [Sir Riddle]: *fluffles hair*^^^ I like it a lot^^^

2008-01-03 [Rook.]: *shakes it back* so do i^^

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